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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Day 13

Friday is hands down the best day of the week. Not only because we have the weekend to look forward to, but this friday was particularly special because we got our first paychecks today. We spent most of the day working with our (now 3) Arduino boards. They're proving to be more complex than we initially thought. Connecting them to an internet source such as Xively to keep track of data is especially difficult. We are building prototypes for our temperature sensors, and we tried the caulk for waterproofing, but its too soft. We ordered test tubes to try and put the sensors in before putting them in the PVC. I suppose pictures would be helpful to describe this but we didn't take many today.

We ordered a pizza for lunch, and then discussed logistics of our project, and SUSAN, and regulations and laws and permits we need to be aware of. We made a plan for next week (week 4) and it involves getting a lot of professors and faculty on board with our project. That's really going to help boost our credibility and value.

During some down time, I was elected to go add coffee grounds to the compost pile and turn it by myself. Seeing as how much I love working with the compost pile, let's just say I had a greaaat time. There were rats, and flies, and it was hot. Luckily, it didn't smell as badly as I thought it was going to. It was quite an arm workout though. Doing the work we did with four people the other day with one pitchfork by myself took quite a while. In hindsight (and actually I saw this at the time) at least 2 people should turn the pile at a time if it's getting done manually.

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